Sleep well for a healthier life

A importância de dormir

Quality sleep is essential for physical and mental health


Still, wondering why you need sleep? Sleeping well has many benefits in your life. Not only will you wake up with more energy and disposition, but you will also be able to ensure all day-to-day responsibilities. Therefore, having poor quality sleep can lead to the development of lifelong diseases.So in this article we will address the importance of sleeping well. Next, let’s talk about what happens while we sleep. And, last but not least, we will present the benefits of sleeping well and the consequences of poor sleep.


What happens during sleep and the importance of sleep

Undeniably, the main purpose of sleep is for the body to be able to rest and regain balance. Do you think you “just sleep” and do nothing? Let’s see 9 things that happen while we sleep:

  1. The body is paralyzed
  2. Body temperature drops
  3. Eyes move quickly
  4. Irrelevant information is erased
  5. Production of hormones
  6. The throat gets narrower
  7. Stronget immunity
  8. Teeth gnash
  9. Kidneys rest and vision improves


6 Benefits of sleep well

  1. Psychological well-being and emotional stability
  2. Increased productivity and thoughtful decision making
  3. Creativity, memory, learning and increased attention
  4. Weight regulation, because during sleep the hormone that keeps us satiated is produced.
  5. Immune booster
  6. Reducing the risk of mental illness because with

We have already seen that it is during sleep that the body’s regeneration process takes place. Therefore, if rest is not enough, there will not be a correct recovery, and this can greatly affect our life.


14 Main consequences of poor sleep

Undeniably, sleep deprivation can have serious health consequences, increasing the risk of developing psychiatric diseases, weakening the immune system and difficulty maintaining cognitive functions. So let’s see some consequences of sleeping badly:

  1. Tiredness
  2. Stress and Anxiety
  3. Irritability
  4. Demotivation
  5. memory failures
  6. Low productivity
  7. Hormonal changes
  8. Lack of concentration and attention
  9. Alzheimer’s
  10. Obesity
  11. Diabetes
  12. High pressure
  13. Increased risk of having a stroke
  14. Early death


Undeniably, due to sleep deprivation, in extreme cases, the body cannot regenerate or recover from the days. And so there is a reduction in the production of defense cells in the body. In short, the immune system is weakened and less effective in fighting infections and diseases, hence early death is one of the consequences.


Author: Inês Estrela


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